viral infections

June 4, 2019


Ask The Doctor: Sharing accommodation may cause scabies Peninsula – Sharing accommodation is very common in Doha but an increase in this phenomenon due to high […]
June 7, 2019

Herpes Virus

Horses’ quarantine ‘a nonevent’ (Daily Local News) The equine herpes virus scare in Elkton, Md., is nothing more than that, according to a West Chester-based equine […]
January 2, 2020
Viral Concept Of Immune System & Antibiotics.

How antibiotics help in killing viruses?

Inappropriate prescription and overuse of antibiotics all over the world is resulting in a vast healthcare problem- antibiotic resistance. The problem of antibiotic resistance remains confusing […]
January 4, 2020
A Human Hand Having Skin Infection With Oinment.

Skin infection: Causes, types, and treatment

What is meant by skin infection? Skin is the most important and largest organ of our body. The main function of the skin is to safeguard […]